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Utopia & Dystopia Conference 2021 - Keynote: Jonathan Gratch
Liane Lefaivre | Online International Conference "Utopia in Art and Politics"
Jonathan Gratch (Full Interview)
Keynote Presentation to Affective Computing at MEDICA2021
Late Capitalism: Economic Technological Dystopia / Utopia
Children's Literature Association Conference 2021 (USA)
IAVS Conference 2022: Vegan Sociologies of Space and Time | Panel: Veganism as praxis
Reaching for Utopia with Prof. John Quiggin
Dr. Ashley Moyse on the paradigm of "technological rationality"
Beyond Technological Utopia: Financing Low Carbon Transition Today | Quentin Duroy | TEDxDenisonU
Anticipating automation and utopia
Stanford Seminar - We Can Restore the Earth's Climate If We Want to -- And We Should